Searching for the best IP tracker software and tools to track IP address activity? We are going to share the top 10 IP address tracker software and tools.
Utilizing the internet protocol, the IP address is created, and with the IP address, each device is to identify that connects to the network. As a person, each IP address is unique for a particular device. What I want to say is that each network that connects to your internet network must have a unique identification that does not match others.
For the private network, there is no need for a unique IP address but sometimes some duplicate IP addresses can cause the problem, and in such a case, the role of the IP address tracker comes in the limelight.
For example, if two computers are connected to the same network, then the networking equipment will not find which device is sending data with the address.
So to solve a problem like this we are come up with 10 IP tracker software for you so that you can choose the appropriate one out of all. But before we move let’s take a look at what is IP address trackers and how to trace an IP address.
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IP Address Tracker Software
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The allocation of IP addresses remains on the top when you think of all of your tasks to administrate your network. However some administrator thinks to change their IP address, and when it is done, the lacking of tracking can cause a big error or disaster. And it leads you in the confusing state with the thought of how two devices with the same IP connects to the network or why the one part keeps blocking up on the network.
All these are address tracking issues that you have to fix as soon as possible. It is possible that some misallocation of addresses causes big problems in your network and initially you are not able to find out the root cause or how to solve the error. So the IP address tracker software will find out the problem and also solve many of your regular problems.
IP Address Tracker Tools
The main task of an IPAM is to scan the IP addresses that are in use on the network. However, you can limit the task and function from your address administration. In the case of small networks perform DHCP reconciliation tasks. However, if you are using the DHCP server, then you don’t need the other DNS records. But for the new device you need to add DNS, and also you have to remove records when you want to remove the device from the network.
If you do not want a full DDI system, then there is no need for all functions of an IPAM. What you have to do is get away with an IP address tracker as they can manage addresses as well as search for them.
How To Assess An IP Address Trackers And Scanners?
Here in this article, you will find 10 tools to trace an IP address with how to track an IP address and how to use it on your network. Note that there are some tools that are termed scanners and some as trackers but it all works and use to trace IP addresses. So let’s start one by one.
Below Are The Best IP Tracking Software of 2023
#1. ManageEngine OpUtils
ManageEngine OpUtils is popular IP address management software used by organizations to manage their complex IP address space. Its built-in IP address tracker tool simplifies discovering and tracking both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. OpUtils enables IP tracking across multiple IP subnets and supernets. It also makes IP address tracking easy for modern IT infrastructures that are heavily reliant on dynamic IP allocation using DHCP servers.
Easy to deploy and use, the OpUtils IP address tracker offers a simple and intuitive approach to tracking your IP address space. It offers insights into the IP availability status and IP address space utilization metrics. You can track IP details such as DNS details, DHCP scope and lease details, last logged-on user, device type, and more. The IP address tracker tool also proactively monitors the tracked IP addresses for IP issues such as IP address conflicts. It raises instant alerts on detecting IP issues, which helps you tackle issues before they have a major impact on your network.
OpUtils IP address tracker tool is built to simplify IP address monitoring even in complex, enterprise-level networks and is available for both Windows and Linux. With an affordable transparent pricing model, OpUtils helps you effectively monitor your entire IP address space and stay ahead of IP issues. You can download a fully functional free trial to explore the features hands-on.
#2. SolarWinds IP Address Tracker Software
SolarWinds is one of the known names in infrastructure management software, and it also includes the IP Address Manager and tracker. This tool is free to use, and even though it is free, it covers many premium features of the IP Address Manager.
This tracker lets the user monitor a network with up to 254 IP addresses so that you can use this toll from small businesses to mid-size enterprises. If the tracker finds any duplicate IP address on the network, it alerts you. And this is the main requirement of an IP address tracker. It can also is also able to stay informed of all available addresses make you aware of address exhaustion in DHCP-Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol environments. However, it can’t communicate with DHCP and DNS servers.
If we talk about the interface, then it has an attractive dashboard with color-coded statuses. By occurring events and historical trends and occurring events, it can generate reports. Yes, it can install only for the Windows Server.
#3. Advanced IP Scanner
This IP scanner has been downloaded 30 million times till now, and yes it is also a free tool designed for Windows OS. If your computer is connected to the network, then you can easily install it.
Once it finishes the quick scan, it will list all the connected devices to the network. For each search, you will find the hostname, the device’s manufacturer with the IP address, MAC address, and its status. One can also export these results to a CSV file.
You can also adjust some of the settings with RDP and Radmin procedures of the other network devices. You can also remotely on and off the device remotely. You can also access the shared folder on the network with this tool. It is a lightweight program and maintains an IP address list on a small network.
#4. Lizard Systems IP Scanner Tool
Lizard is a browser-based network scanner and installs on Windows and Windows Server, and you need Internet Explorer to have it. If you want this tool for personal use, then it is free, but if you want it for business, then you will get it for $79.95. If you are willing to pay then you can try a 14 days trial version.
This utility can scan an unlimited size of the network. On the result page, you can see a list of IP addresses on the network with the status of each device. You can also check the list of shared folders on the pc. It also shows the connection speed, and all the results can export to HTML, XML, or text files.
#5. SoftPerfect Network Scanner
This Network Scanner is a paid tool, but you can use it for free on up to 10 devices. If you want to use more than 10 devices, then it costs $49.95 for business use or $29.95 for home use. The free version allows you to install the tool on one computer. This networking tool was developed for Mac OS and Windows. It scans the result for each device with MAC address, IP address, hostname, and time to contact that node. It can also scan and report ports that are open.
With the exploring computers, it can also search, detect and list the folders even if they are hidden on the network. Another feature is scan mode which shows all user account active at the time of scanning. You can also access the remote computer and execute commands on them. You can also turn it on and off manually. This tool sends messages to all discovered computers. You can load the software on your network and make this service permanent. The output from the Network Scanner can save in text, HTML, CSV, XML, and JSON format.
#6. NirSoft NetResView
This software can install on the Windows and Windows Server operating systems. It is free to use, and if you want to donate some amount, then you can do it, but it is completely optional.
This tracker will search your network and collect a list of all devices connected to it. If you have any nonauthorized users on your network, then you can find all of them with the hostname, IP address, and MAC address. With this list, you can cross-verified and approved the connection. You can export the output as a CSV file. The NetResView interface supports multiple languages like English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Russian, and Polish.
#7. Angry IP Scanner
Angry IP Scanner lists all the connected devices on your device both over the internet and in-house. It is open-source software that works on multiple Operating Systems like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. The standard system scan and show you the lists of all connected device on the network. But it needs a range of addresses as an input to limit your search to one subnet so if you want to detect everything then enter a wide range. The output list shows the time and hostname of the device. On each device, you will get a report on the open ports. The result or output it shows depends on the settings you define before the scan. For example, you can leave the port scan off, and select the computer’s MAC address. You can save the output in text, CSV, or XML format in a spreadsheet.
#8. MyLanViewer IP Scanner
MyLanViewer is a free IP tracker online that works on windows pc. However, the layout is a little complicated to understand compared to other tools. Instead of using a list format, it shows a result in a tree format which is similar to the index layout that one can see in the left panel of Windows Explorer. It scans the pc on which the software is working and shows the result as nodes of the tree. It also scans the wifi networks. To expand the result, you have to click on the plus sign next to the result. The result shows you the round trip time of a connection of the selected node. It shows the PC’s IP address, MAC address, workgroup membership, and operating system. Other nodes show the details like logged users on the network, shared folders, etc. it also includes remote access features. With it, you can shut off the pc remotely, kick out the user, put the pc in sleep mode, or reboot the computer.
The IP tracking features can find hidden devices and also rogue DHCP servers, or both of these if it shows troublesome activity. When a new device connects to a network, at that time, it notifies you. So this little tool combines security features with tracking.
#9. B-Labs Bopup Scanner
B-Labs specializes in messaging systems, so the IP tracker is its administrative tool as its procedure. The service does not need to be organized and downloaded to run from the memory stick. It runs on Windows OS. Yes, it is also free to use which scans the network and shows you the list of connected devices. For each node, you will see the username, the hostname, the IP address, and the MAC address. On the main screen, you can see whether a web server is available on a node or not. You can analyze every record and find all the shared folders on each pc of the list. You can also examine only one sector of the network by limiting the scan to the fixed range of the IP. The specific time limit feature prevents an unresponsive computer from causing the scan to hang. And you can save the output in the text file.
#10. phpIPAM
The phpIPAM system is available for free, and it is open-source software. However, it can run only on Linux OS so able to install on Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS. The console needs a GUI interface to operate on the host pc. It can scan the network, collect all the pieces of information of each IP address and show you the output. All the data collected is updated over time so that you get a live report on the various IP address that is connected to your network. The live monitor will spot vacated IP addresses so that you can look only at the available address. It will also scan your Wi-Fi and VLAN networks. It also has a subnet management section that shows all the subnets operating on your network with the address spaces allocated to all. Even you can also see which subnet has many additional addresses or which are short running. But how it helps? Then it helps you to decide to resize the scope of each subnet, so there is no problem with the allocation of too small or too large pools.
Some of the notable features include on the dashboard are the map with the physical locations of devices, manual allocation of address, set up NAT mappings and check on a DHCP server through the interface. It also scans and detects address anomalies from your DNS server. But you have to set the record manually to replace discarded IP addresses. Another nice feature of this software is the subnet calculator for IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. All the output can import in XLS or CSV format.
#11. SolarWinds IP Address Manager Software
The SolarWinds IP Address Manager is a top-notch IP address tracking tool. It offers a full DDI solution as it can coordinate with your DNS and DHCP servers, but yes it can’t replace them.
This software has an autodiscovery feature to provide you with live reports on your address usage. The interface with the DHCP server allows the IPAM to work out the rejected addresses. It reset the record and makes all rejected addresses available again.
The IP Address Manager is a chargeable tool however it is the cheapest among all the listed IP address tracking tools. It costs $1,995 and monitors up to 1,000 addresses. If you want to monitor an unlimited address, then you have to pay $16,850. To check out the SolarWinds IP Address Manager, they give you a 30-day free trial. And it runs on a windows system.
It is all about the best IP address tracker software. Some of them are free, and some of them are chargeable. It depends on your use that which one you like to pick. Compare all the tracking and IP address tools and also take a trial version if you want to buy it.
Do you want to add your IP Address Tracker software to this list then contact us.
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Dilip is freelance software and tech content writer. At TopItSoftware mostly write about the best software. In his free time is doing graphic design work.